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12 de April de 2024

Today at SIGA, our partner Marcelo Sandri, CFA, participated in the panel “Analysis of the Current Environment of Political, Economic, and Social Reforms, Their Objectives, and Possible Impacts on Society.” He was alongside José Márcio Camargo, Chief Economist at Genial Investimentos, Natalia Dias, Director of Capital Markets and Sustainable Finance at BNDES, and Frederic de Mariz, Head of Sustainability for Latin America at UBS BB. The panel was moderated by Henrique Jäger, President of Petros - Petrobras Social Security Foundation.

During the event, Marcelo highlighted infrastructure as a national priority and the necessity of unlocking private capital. He emphasized the anticipated partnership between public and private capital, noting that BNDES has been exemplary in this regard and that at Perfin, we have indeed been successful in unlocking this capital.

Another key point from Sandri was the ESG aspect, reinforcing that ESG is aligned with infrastructure investments. He stressed that the Brazilian state and private sector will work together to build infrastructure that reduces social inequality, promotes environmental preservation, and advances decarbonization.

SIGA, organized by PREVI in conjunction with ANAPAR, PREVIC - National Superintendence for Complementary Pensions, Petros - Petrobras Social Security Foundation, FUNCEF, Valia, Postalis - Complementary Pension, and Fachesf, runs until October 6th and brings together leading figures from the complementary pension sector and capital markets. The panels can be followed virtually and live on the event’s website:

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